Technical Assistance
The digital library of Romania
Budget: €10.000.000
Independent Monitor: Romanian Academic Society
Contracting Authority: Managing Authority of the Operational Programme for Administrative Capacity
Progress: Preparation of the selection process
Land Registry
Land Registration Platform_Systematic registration of properties in 793 rural administrative-territorial units (UAT) located in less developed areas
Budget: € 312.891.115
Independent Monitor: Transparency International Romania & the Romanian Institute for Public Policy (IPP)
Contracting Authority: National Agency for Cadastre and Land Registration
Progress: Preparation of the selection process
Development and implementation of a platform and a centralized national methodology for the management and collection of information regarding school results and daily current educational activity from the pre-university system. It will include a grading catalog accessible to students, teachers and parents but also systems that will allow the analysis of the level of the education in certain areas or schools and also comparisons between the international test results (PISA, TIMMS) and the national level.
Budget: € 30.000.000
Independent Monitor: Transparency International Romania & the Romanian Institute for Public Policy (IPP)
Contracting Authority: Ministry of National Education and Scientific Research and the Directorate General Programmes for Competitiveness
Progress: Preparation of the selection process